Thursday, April 11, 2013


English translation of my poem "  हारा नहीं बस कुछ थक सा गया हूँ "

Stopping at a point does not always means that it is over for you, you are done/defeated.Even it sounds so negative. Well on the positive side I can say stopping at a point is always a "PAUSE" in which you find a solution,prepare yourself to move further and get ready to fight more.
So whenever you stop in front of any problem always say to yourself "I AM JUST TIRED NOT DEFEATED".

                              NOT DEFEATED, JUST A BIT TIRED

            I am repeatedly falling
            The way is difficult some how I am walking
            Yes, I'm waiting
            But this journey has not ended.
            Hey, the moon appeared in the sky
            Why are you laughing looking at my wounds
            You yourself are full of marks, why are you forgetting
            Yes I'm burning in your heat sun
            But why are you feeling relieved
            I'm burning right now
            But you burn all the time, why are you forgetting
            Don’t know why the path feels happy
            When it puts gravel beneath my feet.
            Why are you forgetting that the gravels are underneath my feet
             But it is sitting on your head all the time.
             Yes, due to all these injuries I am standing still
             But I am not defeated, just a bit tired.

  by Mayank Kashyap


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