Monday, February 24, 2014

The book bomb

by Mayank

Nuclear bomb, time bomb and human bomb are used for destroying people, well we all know that. But there is another type of bomb, a VERY DANGEROUS bomb which can destroy humanity, religion and society.
And that bomb is....
drum rolls and cheers! please!


Yes, The book bomb. It consists of a beautiful cover and pages inside it (now don't gasp in shock,they actually have pages) with black colour texts over it. (Now can you believe that! I just hope it's not illegal.) After a great and intensive research, the Indian ministers of propaganda discovered that books can harm religion and culture. (I hope you are now laughing. This is serious.)
Person devoted to his religion and culture spends their lifetime knowing about their culture and gods. Even after that they think a book can uproot their believes, then I am sure that their faith and devotion is not good enough. If you believe on something be it your partner, religion or culture, then some words from external source can never shake your believe and if it does then I am forced to conclude that 'in reality you have no faith and you are fake.'
And the most ironical part of the story is that most of the person who revolts against a book are those who actually never read them and don't even know English properly.

Dear so called revolutionaries,
We are writers and we are soldiers. We don't need a gun or a bomb to make an impact, all we need is a pen and a paper. No matter how hard you try to suppress us. No matter how hard you to try to ban a book. We'll always come up with paper articles, blogs and websites and that too with different pen name.

A soldier and a person whose faith is not fake.


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