Sunday, November 22, 2015

What is it really all about?

The day when I disclosed that my debut novel – “TheForbidden Line” is going to get published there were only two questions that were being asked by almost everyone.

Ques. 1 – Congrats and when is it releasing?

Ques. 2- What is it all about?

I answered the first question then and there to everybody but intentionally avoided answering the second question. I guess it was too early.

But now since the book is out and peoples are buying it and also as the good reviews are flowing in, now I think is the right time to tell you what this book is all about.

So, The forbidden Line comprises of a sweet love story with a twist, a friendship tale with a twist and what that twist, it’s Blood.

It involves redemption but then it is also not a revenge story. So, entirely it is not a love story neither friendship tale nor a story of redemption.

The Forbidden Line is entirely about one question, “How far you can go of the thing you believe in, for the thing you believe is right?”

It is right to perish against the person you love and your family for the thing which “you believe” is powerful.

Is it right to put everything you are left with on the line just because you think it’s worthful.

The Forbidden Line is not a story of love, friendship or redemption. It’s a story of life.

No matter what you do, no matter what you believe in and no matter which side you are on, there is only one truth “A loss can never be reversed.”

Written by Mayank Kashyap


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